APTCE Awards

Spanish Professional Hunter Association


Spanish Professional Hunters Association

300 points Spanish Ibex club

National or International hunters who have completed the «Spanish ibex grand slam» with SCI official score over 300 points rifle method & 270 archery

Spanish Ibex slam

National or International hunters who have completed the «Spanish Ibex grand slam», which includes any size Gredos Ibex, Beceite Ibex, Southeastern Ibex & Ronda Ibex


On the 52nd edition on the Safari Club International (SCI) annual Convention and Ultimate Sportmen’s Market, Nashville (TN), hosted the #300 CLUB AWARD, an event dedicated to honoring outstanding «Spanish Ibex slam» achievements. This prestigious ceremony was attended by the 150 guests, including esteemed professionals, dignitaries, and honorees.

The #300 club award concluded with a closing address by Mr. Eduardo Fernandez de Araoz, who emphasized the importance of celebrating and continuing to support excellence in sustainable hunting. The event was a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and motivated. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the success of this event, including our sponsors, volunteers, and organizing committee. We look forward to continuing this tradition of excellence and celebrating the prestigious award ceremony next year!

The award recognize National or International hunters who have completed the «Spanish ibex grand slam» with SCI official score over 300 points rifle method & 270 archery We, at the S.P.H.A want to recognize those who put their confidence on our members to achieve their dreamed hunt come true!!!!

We are looking forward to seeing you all next year at the #300 Club Spanish Ibex Slam Award Ceremony.

From left to right, Paul Pare (+300 points archery), Bryan Harlan (+300 points rifle), Chipper Dippel (+300 points rifle), Randy Mendehall (+300 points rifle), Dave Turchanski (+300 points rifle), Waybe Farnsworth (+300 points rifle & 270 archery), Archie Nesbitt (+300 points rifle), Alan Means (+300 points rifle), Danny Danell (+300 points rifle).


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A.P.T.C.E – Spanish Professional Hunters Association

Cif: G88063714

Nuñez de Balboa 49, Floor 4, Gate 2, 28001 Madrid
